Adjuvants and Biostimulants

An excellent formula for high-performance plant spraying adjuvants, crop protection adjuvants and your equipment.

Біостимулятор Коверон Стім для розвитку бічних коренів рослин
Біостимулятор "Коверон Стім"

100% органічний біостимулятор "Коверон Стім" розроблений на основі рослинних пептидів та амінокислот для збільшеного розвитку бічних коренів рослин.

Product categories
We offer

Especially for improving the action of pesticides and agrochemicals when spraying plants.

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PH and water hardness regulator

Thanks to its special composition, it keeps the sprayer tank, lines, filters and nozzles clean.

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Sprayer cleaner

With cleaners, you can avoid a number of problems that can lead to equipment breakdowns and crop losses.

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Antifoam agent

Anti-foaming agents prevent foaming during the preparation of the working solution.

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Biostimulators of plant growth

Based on amino acids and peptides of plant origin. Provide improved growth and protection against stress.

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Sleeves for grain

Thanks to its special composition, it keeps the sprayer tank, lines, filters and nozzles clean.

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Каталог Агротека 2025. Ад'юванти та біостимулятори
Useful information
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Call us at +38 (050) 221 88 10, +38 (050) 359 57 00, +38 (044) 221 88 70. Or fill out the form and we'll call you: